segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2016
Snuffpupetts na Virada Cultural
A Neozelandesa Katrina Chandra,gerente de produção da Snuffpupetts elogiou minha filhuska Marianne e ainda me emprestou um lenço pra secar a boca de tanta baba...
Fui e adorei ver um teatro viceral,na verdadeira acepção da palavra...até o bonecão (uma mulher) pariu um nenê !!!
Undoubtedly one majestic proportions event, several stages scattered São Paulo presenting musical and artistic events of this caliber SNUFFPUPPETS Dolls handled by excellent actors who give life to the action and interact with viewers
I had the honor and pleasure to attend the noon session that left me thrilled by the art of Australian group and proud to know that my filhuska has been active and was congratulated by the the peoples...
Come back soon!!